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爱写字爱生活的妈妈,可以考虑一下来应聘主编哦~ [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2014-6-13 14:52:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
*Please note: this position is open to native Chinese speakers only.

JingKids (www.jingkids.com) is Beijing's first community-based media outlet focused exclusively on parents in pursuit of a first-class international education for their kids. 菁kids(www.jingkids.com)是北京首家基于社区的,针对于关注子女国际教育的父母的媒体。

Through our unique mix of content and solid community focus, our multimedia products give wealthy families the information they need to get the most out of life for their children -- be it here in Beijing or abroad.我们独特的内容以及扎实的社区基础,使得我们的产品能够为富裕的家庭提供关于他们子女生活的一手信息——无论是国内还是国外。

As we begin our expansion into new cities, we are seeking a Managing Editor to head our flagship Beijing edition. 我们已经开始将眼光投向其他城市,我们正在寻找一位主编能够来管理北京的旗舰刊。

The Managing Editor's duties are as follows主编职责如下:

□ Plans, delegates, and executes the monthly magazine, website, annual guides, and vibrant social media channels. 负责杂志以及相关刊物的内容策划、采写、编辑、和定稿,管理并不断改善品牌的微博、微信、网站的内容,使其活跃生动,与社区息息相关。

□ Manages the editorial team to ensure an efficient work environment. 管理编辑团队、自由撰稿人、专栏作家、及实习生,确保建立一个积极高效的工作环境。

□ Hires and trains editorial staff.招聘并培训编辑团队成员。

□ Represents the brand in community events.  主编还需要代表品牌参与相关社区活动,与社区及读者紧密联系,推广品牌及其产品。

The ideal candidate has the following skills and experience要求:

□ Native Chinese speaker with above-average English reading, speaking and listening comprehension skills母语是汉语并且具有优秀的英语听说读写的能力。

□ Demonstrated writing and editing experience 有写作和编辑经验。

□ At least 2 years' experience in a managerial role with direct reports在有下属的管理岗位有2年以上工作经验。

□ Experience working with children a definite a plus有和儿童接触的工作经验优先。

□ Commitment to and passion for the city of Beijing 对北京城市生活富有热情。

□ Parents are definitely preferred! 已经有宝宝的家长优先考虑。

If you're interested in joining our fun-loving and dynamic team, please send the following to us如果对加入我们的大家庭感兴趣,请将以下材料发送给我们:

1. A cover letter indicating your experience and your awareness of what we do (You are going to be hired as an editor -- so charm us with your writing skills!)一封自荐信,包括你的工作经验以及你对我们工作的理解(你的应聘职位是编辑——所以,用你的写作技巧打动我们把!)

2. A copy of your resume or a link to your LinkedIn professional profile一份你的简历或者你的LinkedIn档案链接。

3. At least 3 published clips of your writing 至少3片已发表的作品。

4. Your salary expectations 你的期望薪资。

to employment@truerun.com将邮件发送到employment@truerun.com

Please note: Due to the large volume of unsolicited applications we tend to receive, we will discard any emails that do not include all of the above. 请注意:由于我们会受到大量简历,所以如果未包含上述材料的邮件我们不做阅读。


JingKids is produced by True Run Media (www.truerun.com), a 13-year-old media company dedicated to helping Beijing's internationally-minded citizens live their lives to the fullest. Our three multimedia brands – 《the Beijinger》, 《beijingkids》 and 《JingKids》 cater to the distinct needs of niche communities in Beijing. 菁kids是拥有13年历史的True Run Media (www.truerun.com)发行的。True Run Media致力于帮助在北京的想要过国际化生活的居民。我们的三大品牌分别是:the Beijinger》, 《beijingkids》 和 《J菁Kids》,分别针对北京不同需要的读者群体。


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